American Samoan serve in the military at a rate higher than any US state. US territories pay nearly $4 billion with a B in federal taxes, annually. That’s more than the five smallest states combined. Look, the population of U S territories is 3.5 million people. DC residents get shafted in this way too, by the way. They get a representative in Congress, but that representative can’t vote on legislation, even if it might affect their constituents. For example, residents of Guam, the US Virgin islands, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana islands can’t vote for president. This ruling shows just how unequally the Constitution is applied when it comes to us territories. I’m looking at you Vermont, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and Alaska. Justice Brett Kavanaugh said that the ruling was justified by the fact that most Puerto Ricans don’t pay federal income taxes, but as Justice Sonia Sotomayor pointed out in descent, plenty of states pay less into the federal treasury than other states.

Puerto Ricans are US citizens and have been since World War I. Puerto Ricans get just about $84 a month. Get about 10 times the monthly income that Puerto Ricans do. American citizens who are in the supplemental security income program and who live in the 50 States. The Supreme Court has upheld a ban on blind, disabled, and elderly, Puerto Rican residents getting income from a federal benefit program. So that’s where we’re going to spend our energy. The people and issues we care about are here on Earth. First off, we are not going to talk about Twitter and the man who wants to colonize Mars. But first here’s Treasure Brooks with your trending news. It’s like their mission is obstruction and then trying to make our lives worse while they get rich and everybody who funds them gets richer too.īrittany Packnett Cunningham: That’s coming up. These are not people that are actually trying to become US senators to accomplish anything. Morgan Harper: These are not normal people. On the show today, a conversation with Morgan Harper, a brilliant young candidate for Senate in Ohio. So maybe I’m not a candidate, but maybe some of you are, and maybe we need to stop finding the reasons why we shouldn’t and consider the reasons why we should.

She’s just one of the leaders of the new school turning tradition on its face, entering the arena because she knows that you can’t win if you don’t participate. You don’t sleep out on the steps of the Capitol protesting the end of the rent moratorium if you’re a by the book Manchurian candidate. Her approach is as authentic as her and it’s helped ensure that the perspective of a single mother and organizer and someone who has experienced the effects of policy is actually informing policy at the highest levels. I mean, the image of that perfectly refined politician who never swears and always goes to church and never, ever wears a heel above two inches or a pantsuit more than once that dusty archetype of old is slowly but surely being wrestled to the ground by some bad-ass folks. Truth though, I don’t actually think that kind of self-censorship is necessary anymore. Like y’all I just started cussing in public two years ago and I was not about to just go back to my Kidz Bop self, okay. I only recently started to fully own my voice without apology, and I was not ready to start shutting up for political expediency. I think partly I was worried that I’d have to, like, censor myself too much. And once upon a time, I thought, yeah, maybe. People used to ask me all the time when I’d run for office, I took it as a major compliment, like thank you for trusting me with your future. Please note: This transcript has been automatically generated.īrittany Packnett Cunningham: Hey, y’all it’s Brittany. The Senator of TikTok: Morgan Harper’s Run for Office (and Our Hearts)